INT. LIBRARY MEETING ROOM – DAY Ian in a leather jacket and black jeans sits in the corner of an empty meeting room reading a book that sits on his lap, the cover hidden at this point. Ian turns a page and Leah walks in. Ian looks up. LEAH (hiding her surprise) Hi, there! IAN Hi, how’s it going? LEAH Terrific! She goes to and moves a podium to face the room. LEAH I’m supposing you’re here for the Students for Social Justice meeting? IAN Sure am. Leah walks over to Ian to introduce herself. Ian stands up to do the same. LEAH I’m Leah. IAN (placing the book down to stand) Ian. Good to meet you. Ian sits back down, grabs the book. The book’s title shows: “A Testament of Hope: the Essential Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.” The cover includes an image of Dr. King. He begins to read again. LEAH (feigning upset) So, you’re the one!