America, Put Your Swords Away!!

Photo by Joel Auerbach
The Erickson family I grew up in did not really have a concept of Lent. We knew about Palm Sunday. And of course Good Friday was central. Easter was a huge day. Sunrise Service was a highlight every year. My father and I would get up early and make the 10 mile or so drive to our church in the pre-dawn light. We’d most years have the service outdoors and watch the sunrise over the Hudson Valley hills. The moments were filled with a reverent joyfulness. 

The Son has Risen! Oh death where is thy sting? Salvation overcomes sin. Love overcomes hate. Light overcomes darkness. The moral arc of the universe bending toward the side of justice despite the injustice just two days before, the death of innocent’s guileless life. Love conquers all. That was what Easter was all about.

Yes, this was nice, priceless actually. The fresh donuts and hot cocoa after the service wasn’t all that bad either.

I’d stay for the 10am service. My father going to pick up my mother and my other siblings who were not the early risers. Sunday’s service would be especially joyous too. Then a big late lunch at my grandmother’s home with all the colored eggs you needed or wanted.

But Lent? Not something we did. We certainly were not alone. Though, as with Advent, Lent is becoming more common in Evangelical circles.

So when I arrived here 5 years ago, I had to do a crash course on the practice of Lent. I delved into the history and the meaning. Very interesting stuff for this history buff.

Like with Advent, Lent is a mostly post-Nicene practice. In 325, there was a huge council that met in a Roman town called Nicea. The Council of Nicea in 325 is pivotal in church history. For it was then and there that church doctrine and most of church practice was made clear and pretty much mandatory, at least if a church wanted to remain in Rome’s good graces. 

The practice of Lent was by then rather uniform. It consisted of a 40 day fast Monday through Saturday for 6 weeks. The fast ended at 3pm everyday and began again the next morning. Sunday was feast day for those weeks. During Holy Week, between Maundy Thursday and Easter, the fast became especially strict with no meat, no fish, no sexual relations allowed.

However, years before Nicea, things were not as formalized nor as long. Initially, in fact, the fast was merely a Holy Week practice.

The 40-days of Lent are believed to derive from the practices surrounding Baptism. Before a new convert was baptized, there was a 40 day period of fasting, penitence, and contemplation.

Scholars also state that the 40 day period was also tied to the early celebration of the Day of Epiphany, which marks the day that Jesus was baptized. The Day of Epiphany on January 6 would include the baptism of new believers followed by a 40 day period of fasting, prayer, and contemplation. This mirrors Jesus baptism followed by 40 days in the desert doing the same -- fasting, prayer, and contemplation.

What’s more, the practice of paschal Baptism, Baptisms on Easter day, took hold around the time of Nicea and after. We see from all of this that there was a strong link between Easter and Baptism going back to the earliest days of the church.

And what is Baptism? Baptism is basically the practice of 
Christians representing their inner transformation with an external ritual. Inner transformation in the Christian tradition means dying to the old self with its old selfish ways and being reborn to a new self in Christ, a truer self marked by compassion and love and godly wisdom. The baptism simulates the old self going back to the waters of the womb, which amounts to a life submerged in water. This is followed by a rebirth of the new self coming out of the waters.

We now see Lent as a time of practicing humility and repentance. It begins with Ash Wednesday where ministers and priests mark people’s forehead with dirt and say, "from dust you were made, till dust you shall return." Yes, humbling indeed. We are then encouraged to repent and ask forgiveness for our bad choices, our harmful ways, our selfish tendencies.

So with that background in mind, I want to talk about guns in America for a little bit. Let me say first of all thoughts and prayers are nice all year long. But during Lent, those thoughts and prayers have a specific purpose. The purpose of thoughts and prayers during Lent are repentance for our wrongs, our selfishness, our harmful ways. And, America, in the wake of the national tragedy at a high school in Parkland, Florida, we have a lot to repent for.

One of our leaders, in the House of Representative said just yesterday, in the wake of such a tradition, “this is a time to step back and count our blessings… [a time for] pulling together.” No, this is the season of Lent. This is a time to repent of our mindlessness, our heartlessness, our selfishness and seek forgiveness for the sake of transformation.

The Evangelical tradition I was raised in tells me that without repentance, a turning away from wrong, and a transformation, a heart-turning toward righteousness, thoughts and prayers are nothing more than human niceties. Only repentance and transformation makes our thoughts and prayers real and effective. Without the Big Bang of a heart-change, our thoughts and prayers fall on the empty ears.

So I put out the original title for my homily this week – “Big Bang or God” – on Wednesday, in the afternoon, after a morning in Bolton. I then returned home and heard the news about the school shooting in Florida. I immediately thought about changing the title. I worried the title sounded insensitive to the latest news of gun violence. The big bang of guns is too frequent a reality in America. There have been some 8 school shootings in American in 2018, and 2018 is not even 50 days old. And that is just school shootings.

But even if we see the Big Bang in this new destructive way, as the collective big bang of guns everywhere in this country, we are right to ask Big Bang or God?

In a recent CNN op-ed, writer Jay Parini, a practicing Christian, rightly describes America's gun obsession as akin to a cult. He wrote on the 16th, "[too many American citizens] are in something like a cult... [And] like all cults, [the cult of guns is] one difficult to break from, to stop or influence." Parini goes on to say something I could easily have written, albeit maybe not as eloquently, "As a Christian, I'm appalled by the hypocrisy I see among others of my faith, particularly those who are our leaders in government and show eagerness to participate in this cult. They worship false idols in the form of weapons, and turn their back on the teachings of Jesus, who did not equivocate when it came to violence...It is safe to say that nobody in the cult of guns listens to Jesus."

The gun in America has become an idol instead of a tool. It is an idol that has replaced a loving God with weapons of war.

Certainly, this is nothing new. Human beings, even the writers of our most sacred scriptures, have too often replaced God with the idol of war, conflict, and violence. It is our task to ceaselessly resist the temptation to place other gods before the One God of Love, Grace, and Mercy. Idols, surely are luring and give us temporary feelings of safety and security, but an idol in the end is the child of deception and delusion, what classic Christianity calls the devil. Any idol is of the devil, guns included.

What would Jesus do? What would Jesus say about the pervasiveness of weapons and their use on young innocents? If you are a Christian, you simply cannot avoid Jesus. Jesus could not be clearer. In the pinnacle of his teachings, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says this: "You have learned that they were told, 'Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.' But what I tell you is this: Do not set yourself against the man who wrongs you. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left."

When his disciples were like politicians vying for the title of the most powerful, Jesus rebuked his disciples by lifting up children as the benchmark for faith and saying, "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

When Peter upon Jesus being betrayed and arrested drew a sword and struck a soldier, Jesus rebuked him, "Put your sword away! He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."

So America, especially those who deem America a Christian nation, I beg you to follow the Christ you claim.

America, put your swords away!!

Transform them into good plows and good work.

America, put your swords away!!

Place them onto the trash heap of history filled with empires and cultures that have withered away on the battle fields and mass graves of our own making.

America, put your swords away!!

We are living and dying by those swords. Our schools are wracked in fear. Our parents are tormented by the images of schools in lock-down, children racing away in terror from mad men with guns.

America, put your swords away!

Our children are dying. The millstone is around our necks. We are drowning in the depths of suffering seas salty like our tears.

America, put your swords away!!

Let this Season of Lent be a season of repentance for our mindlessness, our heartlessness, our selfishness when it comes to the scourge of weapons of war. And may it lead to transformed hearts and new hope.

America put your swords away!

Receive your new baptism, put away old, dying individual selves, enter again the womb of living waters where compassion flows, be born anew rising as a new collective self walking the path of love, peace, and righteousness.

America, put your guns away!!


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